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Editing and Sensitivity Reading Services

Specializing mostly in dark/grimdark fantasy and science fiction in the upper-YA and Adult categories, I offer a myriad of services at different price points. While I specialize in these genres, I'm also open to other genres and categories, especially in services that do not require a read of the full manuscript. 


For transparency's sake and sensitivity reading, I identify as a queer woman (she/her) and am Latina, neurodivergent, and disabled. For any specificity about the groups I'm a part of for sensitivity-reading purposes, please email or send me a message.


All diverse work is welcome, especially from marginalized creators, but you do not need to disclose any personal information. 

Any service under $300.00 USD must be paid upfront and in full before I can begin. Any other services provided will require a payment of 25% of the estimated cost upfront. I also reserve the right to deny service or provide a full refund if I cannot complete the service for any personal reasons.


All payments must be made through PayPal.

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Query Critiques

For authors seeking to pursue the route of traditional publishing, I offer a critique of your novel's query letter. This critique will include line-editing, copy-editing, and structural feedback. The initial query critique is charged a flat $20.00 USD and a review of the revised query with another round of feedback. There will be an additional $5.00 USD charge for any further evaluation of the same query barring simple questions from the last round of critiques. 


I also offer a query package critique (query, synopsis, and first 10 or 50 pages) which includes structural feedback in the form of an editorial letter (a minimum of 2 pages) and both line and copyediting after the revisions have been made by the author. The price of the 10-page service is a flat fee of $75.00 USD. The price of the 50-page service is a flat rate of $125.00 USD. Both services come with a review or the revised package with some feedback. Any further revisions will come at an extra cost.


Sensitivity Reading Services

Sensitivity Reader

Let me help you get a handle on any offensive or inaccurate material within your novel, especially if you're not a part of a certain group you're featuring within your novel.

A flat fee of 25% of the estimate given for the project must be paid up front.

Novel fees will be based on word count and the rate is $0.010 USD per word. Any look at revised material will be done at an extra cost.


Short stories (cap of 5, 000 words) have a flat fee of $50.00 US. If over this, it'll be $50.00 plus the regular novel word-count-based fee for the amount of words over the 5, 000 limit.


I will be giving big-picture thoughts on any issues I find within the given material and also line edits within any particularly problematic themes. I will also be available for follow up and a video call to discuss any and all comments made.

Full Manuscript Editing Services

Developmental Editing

This kind of editing includes things such as fixing plot holes, pacing, and structure.

A flat fee of 25% of the estimate given for the project must be paid up front.

A developmental edit package will include an editorial letter after reading the full manuscript with detailed feedback. There will be both positives and negatives in this editorial letter (a minimum of 8 pages of feedback). As well, I'll be open to discussion about the contents of the editorial letter, hopefully answering all questions you may have.

Fees will be based on word count but will also vary by genre, age category, and estimated amount of editorial work needed. Email for an estimate but the starting rate is $0.025 USD per word. Any look at revised material will be done at an extra cost.

A flat fee of 25% of the estimate given for the project must be paid up front.

A line edit will include a thorough edit catered to your particular voice, genre, and age category. All edits will be made as suggestions, so you may choose to apply or not apply said edits.

Fees will be based on word count but will also vary by genre, age category, and estimated amount of editorial work needed. Email for an estimate but the starting rate is $0.020 USD per word. Any look at revised material will be done at an extra cost.

Line Editing

As the name suggests, this kind of editing is more concentrated. It aims to fix things such as stilted dialogue, style, clarity, and ease of reading.


Not recommended for authors looking to traditionally publish

A flat fee of 25% of the estimate given for the project must be paid up front.

A copyedit will look through your entire manuscript for grammatical errors, inconsistencies, factual inaccuracies, and much more. I highly recommend a copyedit before self-publishing, but not for authors pursuing traditionally publishing. 

Fees will be based on word count but will also vary by genre, age category, and estimated amount of editorial work needed. Email for an estimate but the starting rate is $0.015 USD per word. Any look at revised material will be done at an extra cost.

Probably the most well-known type of editing, copyediting includes combing through a manuscript for grammatical errors, mechanical issues, inconsistencies, and factual errors.

Editing Packages

Personalized editing packages are available upon request at a discounted price from buying the services separately. Please inquire about your manuscript's specific needs so that we can discuss pricing and time constraints.

Sample Edit

A good way to know if I'm the right fit for you and your manuscript is a sample edit. 

I will do your choice of service (or combination) on your first five pages for a flat rate of $20.00 USD which will later be deducted from the full cost of editing services should you decide to go with me as your editor.


I'm always looking to work with both new and established authors pursuing any and all paths with their work. If you think we may be a fit, send me an email with your question or fill out my form and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

Let's Work Together!

Thank you! I'll be in touch.

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