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J. Koen Alonso

Agented Author and Professional Editor

In The Press

Editor Testimonials

I did my best to follow the advice that worked for me, without much success. And then Juli got her hands on my query letter and first pages. Suddenly, I felt MUCH better about my query package and even managed to get my first request! Not only was her feedback supportive, but it was spot-on: she managed to pick up on the parts I felt most uncertain about and, together, we figured out how to make them work. She’s an honest, talented, one-person hype squad with your – and your story’s – best interests at heart."

She's a passionate, discerning editor who offered incredible critique that was both honest and actionable, and, reading her comments, I could already see it making my book stronger. I owe my book's character growth and its new, character-driven plot to her.

Vishaka Sriram,

Taylor Losier,
Author of


With clear and concise language in her observations, she didn't miss even a comma. Her feedback was essential for me to be able to strengthen my manuscript. I highly recommend hiring her as an editor if you are looking for someone who is caring, dedicated and willing to help you. Not only did she help me with my manuscript but also her service made me a better writer.

A. Samira
Author of


Current Editing Availability

I am currently only open to query critiques and query package editing services until further notice due to my busy schedule. The time needed to complete the edits differs per project and service, so please reach out with specifics for a rough time and cost estimate.

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